How to use Swiper.js with React

swiper slider

Although there are many javascript libraries which can make a silder, Swiper.js is the one of the most popular library which dose not require jQuery. In this article, we will discuss how to use Swiper.js with React. (Note: We will proceed with the assumption that you are already familiar with React.) ①Install Swiper At this point (September […]

[Swiper×React]How to make infinite loop slider

infinite loop slider

In this article, we are going to describe how to make infinite loop slider which continue to flow automatically using swiper.js and React. We will proceed with the understanding that you are familiar with the basic usage of Swiper.js and React.If you are new to creating a Swiper slider in React, you might find this […]

Lazy Loading CSS and JS file to improve Your web page speed

In this article, we will discuss how to lazy loading CSS and Javascript files to improve web page speed by, including important considerations. We will adopt a method which the files targeted for lazy loading are loaded when the user scrolls. Advantages of Lazy Loading While visitors to this article may already be familiar with […]

[JavaScript] Multiple Events to Multiple Elements

In this article, we will discuss how to add multiple event listeners to multiple elements using plain JavaScript. Desired outcome If you use jQuery, you can write as below to add multiple event listeners to multiple elements. So you may be tempted to write as below when try to replace it with plain Javacript. But […]

[Javascript] Get all form values at once using FormData class

In this article, we will explain how to get all form values at once using Vanilla JavaScript. This method can be useful when sending form data to the server using ajax or fetch, or when performing client-side validation with JavaScript before sending it to the server. FormData class JavaScript provides the FormData class, which allows […]

[Swiper]How to create Nested slider

In this article, we will provide a guide, along with a demo, on how to create nested sliders using Swiper.js and highlight the important considerations for implementing them. I’m going to pursue the matter on the premise that you know how to make normal slider with Swiper.js. So if you are new to Swiper.js, firstly […]

Swiper’s Effect Options Unveiled: 6 Creative Sliders

swiper effect animation

Swiper.js provides an option called “effect” that allows you to easily create sliders with animation effects. In this article, we will introduce all the sliders that can be created using the effect options in Swiper.js. I’m going to pursue the matter on the premise that you know how to make normal slider with Swiper.js. So […]

[Swiper]How to create fade slider

fade slider

In this article, I am going to describe about how to create fade slider with smooth transitions using effect option of swiper.js. I’m going to pursue the matter on the premise that you know how to make normal slider with Swiper.js. So if you are new to Swiper.js, firstly check the below article.[Swiper] How to create a simple […]

[Swiper]How to create original slider using creativeEffect

creative slider

Swiper.js provides an option called “creativeEffect” that allows for considerable customization of the previous and next slides. By effectively utilizing this option, you can create your own original slider. In this article, I am going to explain how to use creativeEffect with demonstrations, and show some sample sliders which is created using creativeEffect. I’m going […]

[Swiper]How to improve accessibility of swiper slider


Swiper.js which is one of the most popular javascript slider library has lots of options.In this article, I am going to describe about how to improve accessibility of swiper slider with demos. By implementing the following four, we will improve accessibility. Create a normal swiper slider To make it clear, we will create normal swiper […]