[Javascript]How to detect if the Event is triggered by user’s action

In this article, we will discuss about how to detect whether an event is triggered by actual user’s actions or forced triggering by a script.

In the case of plain Javascript

By referencing the isTrusted property of the event object passed to the event listener’s callback, you can determine whether the event was triggered by an actual user action.

document.querySelector('#sample-btn').addEventListener('click', function(event){
        //actual user's actions
        console.log('The user actually clicked the button')
        //forced triggering by a script
        console.log('The click event was forcibly triggered by a script')

document.querySelector('#sample-btn').dispatchEvent(new Event('click')) //forced triggering by a script

In the case of jQuery

In the case of jQuery, the the evaluation expression is bit difference, and it becomes as follows.

$('#sample-btn').on('click', function(event){
        //actual user's actions
        console.log('The user actually clicked the button')
        //forced triggering by a script
        console.log('The click event was forcibly triggered by a script')

//forced triggering by a script
$('#sample-btn2').get(0).dispatchEvent(new Event('click'))

When triggered by the dispatchEvent method, event.originalEvent.isTrusted would be false.
For jQuery’s click and trigger methods, the event object lacks originalEvent, so you can avoid errors using optional chaining (?.).

Therefore, the evaluation expression is event.originalEvent?.isTrusted.
This is equivalent to event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.isTrusted.

That is all, it was about how to detect if the Event is triggered by user’s action.

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